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Planning Board Minutes 10/21/2010
October 21, 2010 Meeting
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:
Scott Burnside (Vice-Chair)      Diane Chauncey (Staff)   David Dubois (Member)
Joe Koziell (Member)              Peter Moore (Planner) Andrew Robblee  CR Willeke (Chair)
Member & Staff Absent:
Jesse Lazar (Member)            Stephen Schacht (Alternate)    Gordon Webber (Ex-Officio)
·       Appoint alternates to sit for absent members – not necessary
·       Review the Minutes of September 2 Mr. Koziell moved to approve the minutes as amended. It was seconded by Mr. Burnside, and approved by the members.
·       Review the minutes of  October 7, 2010 Meetings  - Chair Willeke moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Robblee seconded the motion and the minutes were approved.

Public Meeting:

Business Meeting:

·       Request  – Limits of Municipal Responsibility – Worth - Lovern Mills Road
Mr. Moore explained that the owner wanted to sell the lot with a waiver to build on a Class VI road. He explained the form and how it would relieve the Town from any liability. He said that there are several waivers on file. He explained that the Town Administrator and the Road Agent expressed reservations to granting  a waiver, but Mr. Moore said that RSA 674:41 c (1) “The local governing body after review and comment by the Planning Board has voted to authorize the issuance of building permits for the erection of buildings on said class VI highway or portion thereof; “ Mr. Moore had taken photos of the area, which he described to the Board. The Board discussed the road. Chair Willeke said that he thought that a sign should be placed expressing that the Class V road ended or not “maintained by the town”.

Mr. Burnside made the motion to accept the waiver. Mr. Koziell seconded it. The Board approved the request for the waiver.

·       Letter to Glover Construction – and response from Don Glover
Three items:
1.  Mr. Whitcomb had confirmed that PSNH easement was registered at the Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds.
2.  The driveway erosion still needs to be addressed. One culvert (Mr. Robblee will determine the exact lot) is crushed and down to 50% capacity.
3.  Mr. Mellen (surveyor) and Attorney Hatfield were attending to the deed for slope & drainage.
The Board suggested that Mr. Glover send the letter that he had received to the property owners in order to spell out the issues that remained. Mr. Moore will discuss the Board’s suggestions to Mr. Glover

·       Letter to People’s United Bank – Release of Mighty Oaks bond
Mr. Moore had sent the letter to People’s United Bank and Teri Hardwick – FYI

·       Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) 2011-2016  
Schedule of  Committee meetings  – Mr. Robblee and Mr. Burnside are on the Committee. Mr. Moore invited other members to attend if they wished.

·       TC Storage Site Plan Review – question
The Rosarios would like to add on to their existing storage units. The question – is a major site plan review necessary for the proposal. Mr. Moore read the proposal for the new buildings. The Board reviewed Mini Storage Facility Site Plan Phase 2. The Board felt tthat the Rosarios should come in for a Major Site Plan Review.

·       Continue review of proposed new Antrim Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations
·       SWRP Monadnock Transymposium – November 17, 2010 – an opportunity to  share ideas and learn strategies for improving the transportation future of the Monadnock Region

Workshops & trainings:

·       Annual Fall Planning & Zoning Conference  - Saturday, November 13th

New Business from the Floor:

Ordinance Changes – Proposals  - Suggestions

·       Mr. Burnside suggested that gravel pits should be allowed in the Rural and HB by Special Exception in the Rural Conservation
·       Commercial by lot line rather than the existing 1000’
·       The north side (Route 9) of the North Branch River side become Rural Conservation
·       Mr. Moore will work on the wording for the potential changes
·       Cell towers to be allowed anywhere in town with a special exception

At 9:00pm, Mr. Burnside  moved to adjourn. Mr. Koziell seconded it. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, On Behalf of the Antrim Planning Board